Altered Horizons 18

Altered Horizons 18 Robin Botie of Ithaca, New York photoshops a fabricated landscape of the week in her ongoing healing from loss and dealing with depression.

To save my pond from choking, I raked long sheets of algae out of it and tossed them into great piles on the banks. Desperate to save their cruelly upended lives, snails and other tiny creatures wriggled in the folds of the stuff. I threw it all off into nearby bushes. But not before photographing the exquisite felting of the raw fibers.

Much later I came upon the photo of the white allium ball I’d shot earlier, and knew I had found my landscape of the week.

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2 thoughts on “Altered Horizons 18

  1. Libby

    It is a wonderful landscape, Robin! Did you find anything at Old Souls’ Home that you can use?


    1. Robin Botie Post author

      At Old Souls I found great textures and intriguing doll faces. In Photoshop however, it became apparent that the material I shot there was going to be more conducive to creating creatures rather than horizons and landscapes. In the middle of experimenting with the contrived creatures though, I got a new computer. And so I’m having a bit of an adjustment period as I learn the differences between the old CS6 program and the CS6 program that is now in Creative Cloud. Yeesh – I am so slow learning new things. And unfortunately I will have to miss this week’s class so I won’t even be able to see what the rest of you shot at that outrageous place. Cheers, Libby.


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