Altered Horizons 44

Altered Horizons 44 Robin Botie of ithaca, new York, photoshops a fabricated landscape thinking of war-torn cities in Ukraine.

In my folder of unused images I found a shot of an old piece of equipment the function of which remains a mystery to me. It had reminded me of the innards of a piano when I originally came across it. But recently, all I can see in it are the treads of armored tanks ominously rolling down the streets of war-torn Ukrainian cities. In Photoshop I converted a quilt-square of dotted red fabric into a gray sky where snow falls gently but consistently over a ravaged landscape.

Altered Horizons 44

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2 thoughts on “Altered Horizons 44

  1. Lucy Bergstrom

    Dear Robin,
    Your images, where you create meaning out of industrial scrap, never fail to be poignant. Before I read your text, I thought of tank treads and the inexorable advance of Russian forces, crushing everything. I have a dream that Russian soldiers will cease obeying orders to kill Ukrainians and leave their tanks to block traffic and join the peace movement.
    Love ❤️ Lucy

    1. Robin Botie Post author

      Well, THAT would be something, Lucy. My dream is that, with all the assassinations we’ve suffered (unfortunately of many good and beloved people), someone should just pop that demon Putin off.


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