Altered Horizons 57

Altered Horizons 57 Robin Botie of Ithaca, New York, photoshops fabricatesd landscapes in dealing with depression and coping with loss.

I was thinking of my father when I fabricated this landscape. All day yesterday, as I weed-whacked up and down my long driveway and then raked and pulled pondweed, I remembered how pleased my father was to do work around his house. He taught me that it’s a privilege to have a nice home and to keep it in good shape. He had come to the States in the early 1940s with nothing but ambition; he worked hard to build up his dreams. When I do yard work around my home I feel like he’s watching me.

In Photoshop, I turned the reflection of a bare tree upside down and “planted” it in a foreground of pebbles. The image was not good enough to honor or represent my father so I framed it in multiple built-up frames, like the biggest hug I could give.


Altered Horizons 57

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2 thoughts on “Altered Horizons 57

    1. Robin Botie Post author

      Hi Gail. Sometimes I wonder what my father would have thought of all this turning-things-upside-down photography. Fathers Day is always a challenge as to how or if to commemorate my Dad. I wonder how others do this. The biggest thing I learned from my Dad was To Work. So on his birthday and Fathers Day I work until I just about drop. And then, maybe I’ll have a beer. Strange, the things we do. I wonder if you, too, still hear your parents’ voices in your head and feel compelled to do something on these days.


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