Appreciating the Beauty of Life

Robin Botie of Ithaca, New York, takes a week off to stop and smell the flowers.Taking a week off to stop and smell the flowers after a physically demanding week of work.

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6 thoughts on “Appreciating the Beauty of Life

  1. Elaine Mansfield

    Good idea. I planned to take off the rest of August, but a friend wrote a hysterical piece about raising butterfly caterpillars I’d given her and since I’m not so good at humor, I’ll have a guest blog. And meanwhile, I’ll watch the Monarchs emerge (3 this morning) and feed the growing caterpillars waiting for their turn to fly. Never known for moderation, I have over 100 at all stages. 40+ chrysalises right now and some caterpillars so tiny I need a microscope to find them on their leaf.

    1. Robin Botie Post author

      Yeah, Elaine. I’m not sure how all these emerging caterpillar/butterflies and chrysalises will allow for a vacation. Maybe you can hire a butterfly-sitter? That sounds like a ton of work you’ve taken on. Nope, no moderation here, you’ve delved right into a mammoth project. I have visions of you sitting over a microscope, viewing teeny caterpillars taking tiniest chomping bites of their leaves—until winter arrives. Yeesh! I wonder if you give them all names.


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