Looking for Joy

Looking for Joy In Ithaca, New York, Robin Botie photoshops Vicky, a friend's fat cat with dancing whiskers.“You’ve been sounding depressed the last few weeks,” a friend told me.
“I’m trying to fix that,” I said. “These days it’s a real stretch to find joy. Like when the temperature’s stuck in the single digits for days on end. Like when weather.com is promising more snow and the snowplow has already buried the house in the process of clearing the driveway. And then I finally get to Wegmans for storm food and the store is having a power failure.”

Actually, shopping in the dark at Wegmans was a high point of the week. Picking out produce in dim light by the squeeze-and-smell method was so novel it immediately distracted me from my funk. There was something magical about reaching under the sheets of plastic that draped the refrigerated shelves to grab cool moist packages.
“Would you like anything else?” the guy in the deli kept asking cheerily after slicing tiny batches of cheese and three different kinds of ham.
“Could I have another slice of prosciutto, please?” I could have gone on all day.

Passing by, shoppers smiled at each other as they wheeled their carts in the dark depths of the aisles. They did not appear to be inconvenienced or cranky.
“Good luck in the World Cup,” a guy with a kid in his cart greeted me after I swerved to avoid colliding with them. When the lights came back on, people cheered. I paid, walked out into blinding sunshine, and brought my purchases to friends who were waiting to make lunch.

And maybe the most joyful part of the whole week was my friends’ fat cat. She rolled on the kitchen floor with the dogs and then leaped onto the counter as I unloaded the bag of groceries. Her whiskers almost danced off her face when she saw the ham.

Where did you find your joy this week?

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6 thoughts on “Looking for Joy

  1. Annette Corth

    I just returned from another visit to Utica. Although I had a bout of GI flu while I was there, it it always a joy to be with loved ones. No matter how good a time I have had away from home, it is always a great joy to return to my nest.

    1. Robin Botie Post author

      Sounds like you have love and joy whether you’re home or in Utica now. Sorry about the flu but glad you found joy coming and going. Cheers!

  2. Myra Kovary

    In the Berkshires! Went to see the HD Production of Tales of Hoffman from the Met. Highly recommended!! Eating at lovely Chinese and Japanese Restaurants. Listening to great music in Lenox at the Gateways. Hanging with interesting people at the Lion’s Den. Can’t imagine a sweeter place to be snowed in.

    Wish you were here too . . .

    1. Robin Botie Post author

      I am so jealous that you’re getting to hang at the Lion’s Den. I can almost see you lugging your harp to play in the lobby. Mostly I’m happy for you for finding your place, finding joy. If you get to Lee one evening you should try Chez Nous Bistro. Enjoy the snowed in thing. It can be lovely in the right place with the right people. Cheers!

  3. Carole LaTour

    I too have been ‘desperately seeking joy’ but to no avail. Then Saturday night I accompanied my sister to a show about women, sexuality and literature called, aptly, CLITERATURE. The monies raised are going toward LBGT youth. The night was uncensored, highlighted gay, trans, aboriginal, you name it. The camaraderie, the validation, the support, the safe space for many to be in, it brought to light how we all have our struggles, how we are all trying to find happiness in this life. To attend a celebration of such, well that brought me joy!

    1. Robin Botie Post author

      Carole, that sounds like something I should Google to see if it ever crosses the border into New York. Hearing others’ stories and seeing other women thrive despite their troubles is definitely a promising place to find joy. I’m wishing you lots. Cheers!


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