NeverGone: Reframing the Death
and Grieving of the One You Love

After my daughter died, it took me six months to discover
the healing powers of writing. A year more passed before
I found myself completely captivated by Photoshopping.
And now, I have put these two life-saving pastimes together
and birthed a tiny new book.

NeverGone, with its twelve short illustrated stories
(many from my recent blogs), is about regaining and
redefining life. It examines different ways to look at death.
I wanted to make a book that would hug the heartbroken.
Thinking of all my friends who grieve for their loved ones,
I tried to plant hope on each page. Stories with pictures are
like comfort food.

I always said I would never self-publish anything. And my 200-page memoir manuscript (Duets with a Dead Daughter)
may end up being like one of those grown children who never leave home. But to transform one’s work into a freshly bound, polished package is to feel your blood turn into maple syrup. I cashed in all my hope and took the leap.

It is little, 32 pages cover-to-cover, half the size of a piece of copy paper. But writing it, and producing the illustrations, opened a window to the sun from the dark basement of my grief. I poured all my time, energy, and love into it.
As if it were another daughter.

Available at my secure online storefront at Magcloud.