Altered Horizons 73

Altered Horizons 73 Robin Botie of Ithaca, New York, photoshops fabricated landscapes in dealing with depression and coping with loss.

On Sunday mornings when I was a kid, my father would take my sister and me out flying in his small airplane. Gazing out the window, over the noise of the airplane engine I would sing Susie Little Susie, an old folksong about a poor girl and barefooted geese that couldn’t afford to buy new shoes. All the while I picked out tiny houses or teeny-tiny individuals down below us. “God bless the people who live there,” I’d say, from up above the world. I felt very privileged and close to God up there. And, though I hadn’t experienced the loss of anything greater than a goldfish or two back then, I knew that everyone needed someone praying for them, needed someone watching over them. Feeling fairly secure, I sent out love and blessings to strangers.

These days, I pick out bits and pieces of my photographed images to create small worlds in Photoshop. Maybe it’s the calm or maybe it’s elation—something about what goes on in my head when I’m photo-shopping reminds me of flying over the world in the back of my father’s plane. For this fabricated landscape, I pumped up the blue color of a slate slab so I could make it into a river or a bay. I paired it with a mossy patch of ground I found in a Maine woods this summer, to create a fake aerial landscape.


Altered Horizons 73

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4 thoughts on “Altered Horizons 73

  1. Lucy Bergstrom

    Thank you for showering blessing on us “teeny-tinies” from above. I remember flying with you when you were getting your pilot’s license and marveling at her Beaty of the landscape below, in blues and greens. It was similar in intensity to you photoshopped image.

    1. Robin Botie Post author

      OMG, Lucy. You must have been one of my first passengers. We both survived. I’ve always been so flaky, I can’t imagine how I ever got my pilot’s license. I can’t say I miss flying much anymore, now that I’ve found how I love hiking. But every once in a while as I’m racing down off my hill, I feel lie I’m landing from the air. And I do miss that amazing feeling of being right where I was supposed to be when I was flying with my Dad. Sigh.

    1. Robin Botie Post author

      Thank you so much, Susan. I hope you are well too. I think I’m remembering a boy. Named Nick? My memory isn’t so great these days but I’m thinking you lived with horses? Do I have the right Susan?


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