From the Other Side

Robin Botie of Ithaca, New York, finds a lone red leaf in her yard.From the other side of the wind, a girl searched for a red leaf. It had to be red. When the girl was alive, she had given her mother red socks, red flowers, a red sweater and a red velvet cake. She wanted to give her mother a gift now. But from the other side of life, her options were limited to redirecting energy, manipulating objects, or invading her mother’s dreams. She finally found a perfect red leaf and traveled with the wind to her old house. She left the leaf on the lawn.

Soon her mother came out to walk the dog. The mother immediately spotted the patch of bright scarlet in the grass and thought it was a mitten. Dragging the dog over the yellow and brown leaves that dotted the lawn, she discovered it was a single red leaf. She looked around, but there were no other red leaves anywhere near. She picked the leaf up and examined its pale pink underside, turning it over and over as she walked the dog. She laid the leaf on a small bush outside the door before entering the house.

The girl sighed heavily. Her mother had left her gift behind.

As the afternoon turned into evening, the girl watched her mother come and go in and out of the house several times, eyeing the red leaf on top of the bush each time she passed. Once, her mother came outside briefly just to photograph the leaf. The girl pretended to be a breeze and made it shake. But her mother always left the leaf outside. The girl grunted.

That night the rain came down hard. The wind howled fiercely and blew the last leaves off the trees. They swooshed around in noisy gusts all night long while the girl hovered over the bush with the one lone red leaf.

In the morning she saw her mother peek through the window at the bush. Suddenly her mother rushed out the door and grabbed up the red leaf. Tears dripped down her mother’s cheeks as she looked to the sky. Then she carried the leaf into the house, into the warm kitchen. There she placed it on a tissue and studied it, as if it were a map of her daughter’s heart.


What do you think? Can we get messages or gifts from beyond life? Have you ever received one?

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10 thoughts on “From the Other Side

  1. Laura

    I lost my dog recently. My husband and I were affected quite a bit more than we ever thought we would be. The tears just wouldn’t stop. The pain was a physical one in my heart. Exactly one week after her death I had an encounter with an unknown dog. I was out walking in a place I’d never been before, on a whim (or was it?) . I had seen the dog when I first entered the woods – way, way up ahead on the trail. She was alone, but this didn’t seem unusual to me, as there were lots of family farms nearby. The thought entered my mind, that she was a beautiful dog, a Golden Retriever, and I wouldn’t mind petting her, if I caught up to her. When I reached the spot where I had first viewed her, she was gone. I kept walking. Later, I saw her again from a distance and I tried to call her to me. “C’mon” I said, “Come Here Girl!” “C’mon” “Come” – no luck – she actually started barking – but was making no attempt to come my way. She literally sat down and barked but didn’t move. This I did think was odd. What dog ever sits in the woods? So, I kept walking. I could hear her barking as I moved in the opposite direction. Then ten minutes later, I heard her bark again, I turned around and saw that she was only 6 feet away from me and I was so thrilled! I quietyly bent all the way down to the ground and opened my arms wide and called her to me. This time she came and as I stood up to pet her, she sat on my feet, with her spine against my legs. She put her head up as I bent over to pet her chest and the underside of her neck. She closed her eyes and I began to cry. I cried, and cried, “Thank you, Rex, (my dog) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sending me this dog love”. This unknown dog continued to lean into my legs with her head up and eyes shut, until I stopped crying. Then one more pet, and she was gone. I believe my beloved Rex had sent me this gift to let me know he was okay. The Universe knows. I got home and told my friends and my husband what had happened. It still gave me chills. I said to my husband that night, that’s it – no more tears, no more sadness. We’re done. Rex is fine. I still had a few more weeks with occasional tear spells but knowing that Rex made this happen to comfort me allowed me to surrender and open my heart to healing. And I did.

    1. Robin Botie Post author

      O my gosh, Laura. I’ve read this over twice now and had to blink and squint the tears away to see the last sentences. When things like this happen it is impossible not to believe in an afterlife or some wireless-underground-afterdeath soul communication system. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It was not only the sweetest part of my day – it also reminded me of the first Christmas without my daughter, when a Book of Memories she’d made and given to me years before “landed” in my lap. Cheers to you. And welcome to my site. I hope to hear from you again soon.

      1. Laura

        Oh, Robin, so glad it brought back a good memory of energy to you 🙂 Haha, yeah, I have no doubts in the power of this energy. No FEAR.

  2. Elaine Mansfield

    Simply gorgeous. My main connection with Vic is still dreams and walking the land. Occasionally there are more remarkable experiences, synchronicities, like his note found 6 years after his death, the night before my TEDx talk. I gave up trying to answer your question. I don’t know.

    1. Robin Botie Post author

      I remember the post about that note of Vic’s. Yes, you know exactly what it is to find these gifts at auspicious times. Synchronicities. I like that word. Even if my spell-check does not. Cheers!

  3. val

    i have goosebumps with reading this piece about the gift you have received. It is so beautiful, Robin.
    Mother Nature can provide us with comforting messages, a bright shining light, a connection…
    sending love, val

    1. Robin Botie Post author

      Welcome to my online home, Val. So great to find you here. Yes, Mother Nature has turned into Marika for me. But every mother started out as a daughter at some point. So the lights, the connections and comforting messages – the first thing I think of on encountering these is my daughter. Cheers to you.


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